Thursday, September 12, 2013

Selfishness is a problem.

When I wake up in the morning and evaluate the tasks I need to get accomplished through the day, there is always something in the back of my mind that makes me wonder "Am I really doing what I am meant to do?" I tend to overanalyze things, but it is a fair point to consider. People tend to work hard to have things they want in life, monitary things such as a nice car or house, and that is a fair point, but is it really what we need to be doing?

What we need to be doing and what we actually do as humans are very different. Unfortunatly it will be that way, it is human nature. Just allow yourself to think...if we, for one day alone, took the time to stop being selfish and help a neighbor? Give to a charity? Love your family and friends no matter what has happened in the past? Forgive everyone and give yourself the chance to smile? Quite a thought indeed.

There is nothing wrong with self-motivation, but there is with selfishness. Maybe one day everyone can feel the bliss that comes from doing for others what others can't do for themselves. Maybe.

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