Monday, August 26, 2013

Pushover or Adult? You be the Judge.

I pride myself in always being a man of my word, and I will always attempt to do just that to the best of my ability, no matter the circumstance.  I am often received as weak minded and/or a "pushover" by friends and relatives who honestly do want the best for me, but how can I find logic in being mean toward someone who has done me wrong many different times and hurt me? Aren't we as Christians meant to forgive and move on?

I can see why people find that logic nonsensical, and how when a person does them wrong, they see no need to help them or be friendly with them no matter what has been said in the past.  But myself, I can't go back on something I have said and meant at one point so seriously.  Circumstances to change and humans will be humans, constantly in the search for happiness and causing a path of destruction along their respective path, but how does hurting another person help any situation? It certainly wouldn't help me feel any better over the situation.

All I want to say is, when you are dealing with a person who has hurt you many different times or a situation when you have been crossed or a goal wasn't met that really perturbed you, fighting back with the same thing that hurt you is never a good option. Take the high road.  Befriend that person who hurt you.  Turn that bad situation in to a positive one.  Learn from their mistakes and apply them to your life.  Any situation  can be turned for good if you allow it to.

"All things work together for good to those that love him, to those who are called according to his purpose" -Romans 8:28

Friday, August 9, 2013


Change is inevitable.  It will occur at some point in our lives whether we like it or not.  In small instances it occurs everyday.  People who we considered friends betray us, loved ones leave, new friends are made, relationships created and destroyed daily, those we trust give us reason to lose the trust, all change.  Humans hate change, they dread it, I dread it.  No one who is in a comfortable position in life wants a change, but sometimes it is unavoidable.  What is the purpose? Why do "good things" change to "bad" so often and so quickly?

Too often we as humans don't stop and think for a moment "what if this is not best for me?" It is a scary thought when we are comfortable but it is one that should cross our minds.  Is that friendship beneficial to me in the long run? Is this relationship really going to last? Do I really love this person? and if you can honestly, and I mean without a shadow of doubt HONESTLY, think so, by all means continue and live life to its fullest.  But there is always that chance when you wake up in the morning and everything is different, and at that point, what do you do? Nothing is meant to last forever, and as sad as that sounds, it is true nonetheless.

Its a scary proposition, what are your plans for the worst case scenario? Its lurking out there. Think about it.

“Things change and friends leave. Life doesn't stop for anybody.” -Stephen Chbosky