What does the future hold for us? Are we destined for
greatness as we all once imagined as a kid, or destined for a dismal failure as
we unfortunately see more times than we wish in today’s world?
When I sit down and take a look at the life I have lived, I
often times wonder about past decisions and mistakes and think: “Man, if I had
done that differently, I’d be in so much better shape” or “If this situation
turned out like I had planned, everything would be smooth sailing from here.” And
I am under the impression that these are normal thoughts that a person has on a
daily (well maybe not that often) basis.
Every decision I make is based on a choice “I” make, yes?
I put “I” in quotations for a reason here, let me explain.
A conscious decision I make ie a relationship, a major in
college, joining the military, becoming friends with new people is all in a
plan that we believe is in our best interest.
We make these choices based on other people’s opinions, what we have
heard, and how previous decisions pan out.
But what if we changed our mindset to make a decision, no
matter how small, only after having a conversation with God about it
first? Before you buy that car, before
you get serious with that girl, before you change jobs, or change life
paths? Why not stop for a couple minutes
to talk about it with the creator of the universe first? These talks will NOT change His mind, but
chances are they will change ours and that is the goal here; change our minds
and get us to the place He wants us to be.
The bible states in Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares
the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
Also in proverbs 3:6: “In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make
straight your paths.” So why don’t we converse with God before making
decisions, even on the smallest level? Is it we don’t have the time? Is it that
maybe it just doesn’t cross our minds?
Think of a life where every decision was well thought out
and discussed with our creator? How much better of a world this would be.