Monday, June 24, 2013


If Jesus exists he don't live in the pages we write, he'd say put down your books and come follow me out in the light... -Peter Bradley Adams

This may be just a folk lyric, but is it more? Christians cling to the Bible, it is a thing of wonder. The only book on earth that you can read for 2000 consecutive days, and yet find new meaning each time. This is a magnificent thing, but can it be a bit of a cover up, a way for a christian to be lazy?

I see tons of people saying "I'll pray for you" or "I'll be thinking of you".  The sentiments are rarely taken negativity and usually can help sooth a bad situation, but could a person do more? A million good vibes toward a person is a great thing, but it is not as effective as one person taking action.

What am I saying? Stop praying? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Stop expressing feelings of empathy or sympathy toward a person? of course not.  Its a simple reminder that actions speak much louder than words..

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Daily Routine.

     I tend to believe that humans of similar characteristic flock together. This is not really a bad thing, it is just natural to us.  Why is this a drawback? I believe that any time a person feels more comfortable around another, they will stay in a ritual leading them in a similar place.  As a man, I have been through many different relationships, friendly and romantic, and many of those relationships are still as strong as ever today.  But the ones that I have let go are just as important to my growth as a person.  Don't be the person who flocks with the same people every day of life.  Allow yourself to expand your horizons, you never know what God has laid out on the other side.

As the old saying goes "The grass is always greener" In a practical sense, I tend to believe that.  Allow yourself the chance to see the vivid green that just may lay in your blind spot.